Legend has it that the The Guarani Indians, who inhabited the banks of the Iguazú river, believed that the world was ruled by M'Boy, a god in the shape of a serpent. In one of these tribes there lived a girl named Naipi who was so beautiful that the water of the river remained still every time she looked at herself in it. Because of her beauty, Naipi had been promised to M'Boy and lived solely to worship the god. However, there was among the Guarani a young warrior named Tarobá, who fell in love with Naipi.

On the day that Naipi was to be sacrificed to M'Boy, she and Tarobá took the opportunity to elope and went down river in a canoe. When M'Boy realized that Tarobá and Naipi had run away together, he became furious and dove deep into the ground, twisting his body and producing a large gorge that gave birth to a huge waterfall.

Engulfed by the water, the canoe and the escapees fell from a great height and disappeared forever. The legend says that Naipi was turned into one of the rocks in the center of the falls, which is permanently flogged by the raging waters.

Tarobá was turned into a tree standing at the edge of a cliff, leaning on the river gorge. Under this tree, there is the entrance of a cave under the Devil's Gorge where the vengeful monster lies eternally watching its two victims.

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